Futsal Goalkeeper Rules, And Tips For The Futsal Goalie
Understanding the futsal goalkeeper rules will help you play the game better and make fewer mistakes. The goalkeeper’s duty is to protect the goal area and try to stop the other team from scoring. But, in order to do this, one needs to fully understand the rules, and also be well equipped with proper goalie gear and accessories (such as gloves, elbow pads, shoes, and kneepads).
It doesn’t take long to fully learn the rules and with a bit of practice, you’ll have them at your fingertips in no time. As a futsal goalie, you should always try to follow them to the letter.
The Futsal Goalkeeper Rules
1. The 4-Second Rule
A goalie has up to 4 seconds to play the ball once he touches it. Failure to do this will result in the advantage going to the opponents, who get an indirect free kick. Due to the limited time, it’s always important for the goalkeeper to be quick in decision making and fast on his feet. You can either use your feet or hands to set the ball into play, and you should do it from the specified area. Once you’ve set the ball into the field, you are not allowed to touch the ball again until it’s either touched by an opponent or it crosses the halfway mark. Failing this rule will result in an indirect free kick for the opposite team.
2. Play Anywhere
Previously, the goalies weren’t permitted to play the ball anywhere on the pitch. Instead, they had to stick specific zones. Also, they were not allowed to throw or kick it past the halfway mark. In different areas, this has however changed, and they can now throw or kick it so that it passes the halfway line.
3. Rule About Goalkeeper Equipment
The goalie’s jersey or kit should be different from that of the players, as well as the referee’s. This has always been the practice and makes it easy to distinguish the goalie from the players. A goalkeeper should be properly equipped since he will dive to defend his goal. That is why the equipment kit for a goalie comprises of futsal goalkeeper gloves, knee pads, long sleeved top, pants, soft-soled shoes, shin guards and elbow pads.
4. Scoring Rule
A goalie should be aware that a score is only allowed if the entire ball crosses the goal line. It’s not just about it touching it, crossing quarter way, halfway, or three-quarter way. Instead, it should be 100% over the line. Making a call can at times be difficult if the goalie managed to stop it from fully crossing over. But one must keep in mind this fact. Unless the ball is fully inside the line it’s not a score! So be ready to dive for it if a ball bounces halfway on the line, because you can still save it.
5. Direct Throw-in By Team Mate
This rule states that a goalie is not allowed to handle a ball that has been thrown-in directly by a teammate. It should first touch another teammate or a player from the opposite team. In case the goalie does touch the ball directly from a throw-in, be it deliberately or by accident, the other team is awarded an indirect free kick.
6. Safe Play
Goalkeepers are required to always practice safe play during the game. Just like other games or sports, there is always a risk of a player getting injured. And since futsal is played on a solid court (not on grass like football), this makes it even more dangerous if there is any kind of unsafe play.
Unsafe play may happen due to malice or by accident. A goalie shouldn’t charge at an opponent in a rough manner, or jump in a careless manner, step on another player, or kick the ball with intent to harm. Such dangerous play will get him/her a yellow card, and the team will be penalized by possession going to the opponents.
7. Remain On The Goal Line
When he kicks or throws the ball, the goalkeeper should remain on the goal line between the goalposts. He shouldn’t move before he releases the ball and should also be facing the opponents and not in any other direction. Once he kicks/ throws the ball he is free to move from the goal area to other places on the pitch.
Futsal Goalkeeper Tips And Tricks
Tip Nr.1: The Keeper/Sweeper
A futsal goalie who moves beyond the edge of the penalty area to as far as the halfway line gives his team numerical advantage since his side will have 5 players on the center pitch while the other team has only four. He, however, needs to be fast so as not to be caught off guard, giving the opponents an advantage. Just like soccer or football, some goalkeepers go to the opponent’s penalty area to try and help their team score from a corner. You usually do this in the final minutes of play.
Tip Nr. 2: Communication
Good communication is key to winning a match. A good futsal goalkeeper will always engage his teammates, and this is crucial. He will help organize his team, sealing any loopholes, and also directing them at times. This is because, as a goalie, you have a wider visual perspective of the whole game court. One of the most critical areas where communication is essential is asking your players to fully cover their positions (maybe a player forgot to cover his opponent and is slacking – as a goalie you should tell him to get to his position in defense). For the communication to be effective, the others player should be keen on listening and following the instructions too.
Tip Nr. 3: Quick Clearances
Smart goalkeepers take advantage of quick clearances so as to have an edge over their opponents. In futsal, a good goalie will always look to quickly pass the ball to a player in the field who is unmarked and who can quickly rush and score, while the opponents try to catch-up with him. It’s important for the goalie to always keep looking for opportunities and to see spot any possible advantage. Equally important is for him to be accurate when kicking, rolling, or throwing the ball. So this should be part of his everyday training.
Futsal Goalkeeper Protection And Gear
Like in other similar games, the goalkeeper is at risk of getting injured during game-play. He may be stepped on, kicked, elbowed, or may get a “grass burn” and so on. That’s why it is important especially for a goalie to be geared up appropriately.
The best way to prevent or minimize possible injuries is to go for high-quality protective items. Since in futsal the goalie has to dive or slide on hard surfaces in order to save the goal, equipment plays an even more important role than in soccer, where the goalie does all this on the soft grass of the football field.
When picking appropriate futsal goalkeeper protection such as kneepads, elbow pads, gloves or impact resistant body shirts, it’s essential to choose the right size, weight, padding, design, and quality.
Futsal Goalkeeper Accessories
A Futsal goalie wears a range of accessories for good protection and comfort. There is the jersey or t-shirt (usually long-sleeved in his case), shorts, shoes, kneepads, elbow pads, gloves and much more. Good products will not only protect but also improve the handling and experience. For instance, futsal goalkeeper elbow pads protect the elbow from “grass” burn, the hard surfaces, and are less harmful compared to bare elbows. The jersey and short should have a smooth interior, good breathability, and should be easy to maintain. You can find out the best goalie gear here.
Summing Up
If you are a futsal goalie, you should ensure that you know and follow the futsal goalkeeper rules. This applies to both competitive and non-competitive games. A person who takes these rules seriously will need a shorter time to fully understand and apply them. Other than the rules, it also pays to also learn to be aware of the futsal goalkeeper tips and tricks we presented. This will help you, as a goalie, to react better and have an advantage over the other team’s players. The truth is that having a good goalie who understands the game and the rules improves the chance to win for your whole team!